USA Cuba Travel – Can US citizen travel to Cuba? The answer is yes. We organize third country Cuba Travel confirmations for Americans considering a visit to Cuba under the auspices of a General License for research and educational purposes and other authorized sectors. USACUBATRAVEL we will work with you to help maintain your budget below the per diem allowance. Transactions will not be made directly with Cuban entities nor with those deemed or construed as nationals of Cuba due to their presence on the island. For those visiting family in Cuba, our services extend to you also, allowing you to make the arrangements you need in advance
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With agencies worldwide since 1995, we personally handle all your travel arrangements from the US and through local affiliations while in Cuba, guaranteeing services for those visiting Cuba under the general license or family reconciliation premises. Arrangements can be made at 24 hour’s notice or for any time in the future. Our staff will ensure a swift reservation process for all of the services you require, whether it is a simple Cuban rental car or an entire Cuban research package. From the convenience of your PC or Tablet we invite you to use our website to book your trip and research Cuba by visiting our 100 informational websites at “more links to Cuba” on this page. You may not need to travel to Cuba if our websites assist you with your research, so please check them out first. Talk with our staff in real time via our proprietary chat service by simply clicking on the “Chat” link on any page or use the shopping cart to quickly customize your unique travel needs. We, for our part, will do everything we can to ensure a smooth and pleasurable experience, both before you arrive and during your stay in Cuba.